I dedicate this site in the spirit of the One Heart and in the spirit of the Eighth Fire to the healing of all beings on Mother Earth, to the Creator, to the Mother Earth, to the Grandfather Sun, to the Grandmother Moon, to our Galactic Ancestors, to the Ancestors, to my Spirit Guides, to the Anishinaabe people, to my beloved main Elders; my Algonquin spiritual grandfather William Commanda, Ojigkwanong, and my Ojibwa-Potawatomi spiritual grandmother Lillian Pitawanakwat, Ninkii Biness Mijissi Kwe and to all the other beloved Elders: Dan Kaplan, Joey Paul and Joe John Sanipas (Miq´maq nation), Alex Fox (Potawatomi nation), Raymond Ballentyne (Cree Nation), and Madonna O´Nabigon and Dave Courchain (Ojibway nation), Leo St-Onge and Omer St-Onge (Innu nation), and all spiritual people, native and non-native American walking on the Sacred Red Road, to my beloved Thunder Bird Clan family: Inez, Jacky, Emmett and Carmen Pitawanakwat and to the community of the White Fish First Nation and to my Quebec Rainbow Family, to my children, to my grandchildren, to my family and to all people and to all beings of this Planet, of this Galaxy and of this Universe.
My we walk again in peace and harmony, in trust and true joy with our Sacred Mother the Earth and with all her children again.
May we remember how to listen to our Sacred Child and remember that we are all Spiritual Rainbow Warriors of the Mother Earth, of the Galaxy and of this Universe.
Geeoch Mokene
Swirling Rainbow Light
I would like to pass the eagle feather to you and I invite you to express what is in your heart. I created this site for you. All your comments, insights and sharing’s are welcomed. When you express your thoughts, feelings about the site or your experiences on the Sacred Red Road, please do it with respect and caring, with an open mind and heart in the benefit of all of us. This way we can share and inspire each other with our hearts. Thank you for taking your time to read the site.
.All my relations.
Everything in this site is free to copy, to distribute and to share with anybody, in any country and at any time, if it is not for monetary gain. Please do not change anything in the text you copy and indicate the origin where it comes from, referring to this site and to me when you share it.
If you want to organize ceremony, teaching or healing with me, send me your inquiry and I will answer as soon as I can.
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