Creator, Great Spirit, Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon, Mother Earth, Great Star Nations and All my Relations. My name is Geeoch Mokene, Swirling Rainbow Light. I stand before you and I ask you to listen to my prayer. I thank you for my life and for all life, for this day and for everything I am and I have been gifted. Thank you for giving me life and the sustenance I need to live and to grow through this life. Thank you for teaching me, for helping me and guiding me each day on how to live my life in balance, in harmony and in a sacred way. Thank you for teaching me to share my gifts unconditionally with my family, with my community and with all people, in the benefit of all. Thank you for guiding me to the Elders and to the Sacred Red Road and for teaching me this way to live my life. I ask you Creator, to forgive me for things I have done consciously or unconsciously, for any hurt or damage I did to other beings and myself in this life. I ask you to help us human beings, and show us how to relieve the suffering of all sentient beings on Mother Earth. I ask you to help us to cleanse and to heal ourselves and Mother Earth and to find the strength we need in our hearts, to walk in harmony and peace with each other and with Mother Earth again. All my relations.
Meegwetch, kichi meegwetch Kichi Manitu, meegwetch Ashkaakamigokwe, meegwetch Misomis, meegwetch Kokomis, meegwetch Wenadnak, meegwetch Anishinaabe.
I would like to pass the eagle feather to you and I invite you to express what is in your heart. I created this site for you. All your comments, insights and sharing’s are welcomed. When you express your thoughts, feelings about the site or your experiences on the Sacred Red Road, please do it with respect and caring, with an open mind and heart in the benefit of all of us. This way we can share and inspire each other with our hearts. Thank you for taking your time to read the site. All my relations.
Everything in this site is free to copy, to distribute and to share with anybody, in any country and at any time, if it is not for monetary gain. Please do not change anything in the text you copy and indicate the origin where it comes from, referring to this site and to me when you share it.
If you want to organize ceremony, teaching or healing with me, send me your inquiry and I will answer as soon as I can.

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