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¨I salute the light within your eyes

where the whole universe dwells.

For when you are at that center

within you and I´m at that place within me

we shall be one.¨

Chief Crazy Horse, Oglala Lakota






    The 13 Grandfathers came to me to open the doorways to love when I was going through a very difficult time in my life. It was a very challenging, but a very rewarding period of my life. I lived with my partner in a spiritual relationship that lasted for 15 years and we created many invisible ties and dependencies between each other on many levels. When our relationship ended, I had a very hard time to cope with my emotions, to cut the ties spiritually, to seal the holes and at the same time work in my clinic, take care of my three boys, and also their emotions.


     I started to fast, because I couldn’t eat for days and after a few days I decided to fast for 13 days. When completed my commitment and ate, I felt my vibration and my energy go down. I had a very strong feeling that I needed more time and felt a deep desire to maintain my energy clean and high. It scared me when I felt that I had to fast for another 28 days, to be able to reestablish my balance. Finally I accepted and followed my feeling, reaffirming my commitment every morning and going with it, day by day.


    My days began around 3 o´clock in the morning and I prayed, meditated and did visualizations, exercises, ceremonies and healings for myself until seven and after breakfast for my children. My feelings and thoughts calmed down and started to be more and more balanced. My energy got stronger and was flowing better and better each day. But still when I saw her, I had a hard time to keep my emotions and my mind positive. It seemed that everything I did with myself and with the boys fell apart and disappeared when I communicated with her. I wanted to feel only love for her, but I was unable to do it in her presence or when I was communicating with her. I wanted and needed clarity and a solution to stop being in conflict with myself and with her, when I was meeting her or thought about her. I wanted to end my suffering and to find peace.


    One day, before I meditated, I asked in a ceremony to the higher forces of creation to help me to meditate on love and to help me to open up, to be able to receive the truth. When the answer came I needed to write down everything, because I felt it was so important to remember all of the parts. Not only for myself for later, but also for others, with whom I can share the answer I received. I saw in that meditation, that the root of all suffering is in the misuse of our creative power and it results that we can´t truly love ourselves and because of that, we are unable to truly love others. Then after came the answer, the keys to open the 13 doorways to love. 


    It was and it is still one of the most important revelations I received in my life. It was and it is incredibly beautiful and overwhelming, like the truth always is. When the answer came I was floating in a blissful state of peace with myself and with life and I saw with clarity which behaviors in my life were not letting me truly love myself and others. I felt infinite compassion towards myself and towards others and I was able to truly accept and to be grateful for my past, for my present and to forgive myself and others. I surrendered to life and felt true and infinite love for life and Creation and an infinite gratitude for my guidance and for the sacred gift we all carry; to be able to love. The answer I received, I call it the 13 Doorways to Love.










Honor the Divine in all, inside of you, all around you, in everybody and in everything. Remember, all that exists in this Creation originates from the Source, and has a higher purpose and the sacred right to be in exactly the way it is. Even if you can´t see or understand it why.




Be willing to look in the Sacred Mirror of your life and accept the truth what is reflected in there, because it´s all about you. Accept your lies and learn the truth they can teach about yourself, about the work you have to do. Speak and live in truth, walk your talk, walk in beauty.




Remember you are an infinite spirit that Creation is perfect and everything comes in its own time that all things move, grow and change through its own cycles of transformation. Energy, life, time, growth are the same things. Remember ¨Trees not growing overnight¨.




Accept your ignorance, so you can heal your arrogance and be able to let go your self-importance. In Creation, everybody and every part have the same value. Everybody and everything has a Sacred Medicine and Teaching to share. It depends on your attitude how and what you learn. There are no good or bad teachings, only teachings. You are all conscious beings and all have wisdom to share, but Life is also a Mystery, you can´t and you don´t need to know or figure out everything.




Step back and feel what is truly going on. Be an open and clear channel. Empty yourself, so the Higher Force can manifest, move and create through you. Listen, observe, feel, follow and surrender to your Heart. Hear, see and feel that the only truth is Love. Lift the curtain of illusion and let Love guide you to your true Happiness.




Integrity is to be who you truly are and it is living in awareness, in full consciousness of your higher self. Be faithful to your heart in relationships with yourself and others. Every betrayal is a spiritual rape, destroying a part of your soul and the soul of others. Commitment is the way to liberation, to be truly free. Be loyal, to be able to give value to your relationship to all. Give yourself completely, not only a part.




Listen to your true needs and the needs of others. Be generous and offer everything you give with love. All of your intentions through your thoughts, words, feelings, actions and the way you behave are touching all of Creation. In each moment you create your individual and the commune present and future. You are related to all, you are all family. Be conscious the power of your example in every moment, what you leave for the future generations to come.




Be gentle to yourself and to all and gentleness will come back to you. Remember you are all learning. There are no mistakes, only intention, decision, action and the consequences. You all equally pay the price of learning about yourselves and your behaviours. Let go of your judgments towards yourself and towards the others, so you won´t hurt anybody. Kindness is the way to express your true nature.




Life is a gift, everything and every moment is a gift, an unconditional gift. Appreciation gives the value to everything. Find inside your gifts and share them freely with all, without expectations. Then you can know and truly appreciate who you are and all of the abundance you have in your life. Be thankful, because all of your true needs are always fulfilled.




Surrender to your higher purpose, sacrifice your shadow self to the transformation process. Serve the Divine in all. Offer and burn on the Sacred Altar of your Heart everything that is not Love. Give away your doubts about your worth, be one with your higher self. Give everything you have and everything you are for the joy to express your beauty, your creativity, your unique way to express love.




Accept and appreciate fully your past to be able to free yourself from its bondage. Because it´s a fertile, composted ground, a gift you gave to yourself from where the sacred Rose of your Heart will bloom in the centre of your being. Forgiveness is freedom, the key to the Gate to the Rainbow Bridge, to cross to the promised land of your ultimate destination.




Allow yourself to feel in your heart and in all of your being to resonate the feelings of all sentient beings of this Planet, she´s your Original Mother and all sentient beings in this Universe, he´s your Original Father. Feel and hear in your heart their secret longings, their crying for your love. Give them your Sacred Inner Child.




Step in the Unknown. Make a conscious choice, the power is you, the time is now. Commit yourself to heal every aspect of yourself. Accept and surrender to the truth that you are the Healer of yourself and the World. Face your worst fears and consciously let them to guide you to recover your faith. Be truly who you are, the Sacred Pipe of yourself, the sacred channel between Earth and Heaven, and illuminate the Road for All towards Wholeness. Find Peace.













Opening to               Love

Producing                 Love

Transmitting             Love

Transforming to        Love





                    Giving with love                 Physical level                       Unconditionality

                    Sensing with love               Emotional level                    Serenity        

                    Thinking with love              Mental level                        Inner strength        

                    Radiating love                    Spiritual level                      Joyfulness          

                    Expressing with love           Creative level                      Wisdom       

                    Seeing with love                 Visionary level                     Lucidity        

                    Uniting with love                Universal level                     Wholeness  

                    Being love                         Divine level                         Divinity   





                                                 Touching                 with love

                                                 Sensing                   with love

                                                 Listening                 with love

                                                 Feeling                           love

                                                 Expressing               with love

                                                 Seeing                     with love

                                                 Thinking                  with love

                                                 Being                             love












     I would like to pass the eagle feather to you and I invite you to express what is in your heart. I created this site for you. All your comments, insights and sharing’s are welcomed. When you express your thoughts, feelings about the site or your experiences on the Sacred Red Road, please do it with respect and caring, with an open mind and heart in the benefit of all of us. This way we can share and inspire each other with our hearts. Thank you for taking your time to read the site. All my relations.


    Everything in this site is free to copy, to distribute and to share with anybody, in any country and at any time, if it is not for monetary gain. Please do not change anything in the text you copy and indicate the origin where it comes from, referring to this site and to me when you share it.


    If you want to organize ceremony, teaching or healing with me, send me your inquiry and I will answer as soon as I can. 



© 2014 by  Rainbowstarlodge  created with

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